Establish an Account for

Recurring Meeting Services

Simplify your video conference meeting and event management by choosing TKO, the industry expert in providing global enterprise-grade video communications services including:

  • Fast and Easy Scheduling with just one email, text, or phone call

  • Advance testing to ensure connection reliability

  • Dedicated Reservations Staff to oversee facility arrangements and any schedule changes

  • Support to manage tech details such as adding telephone callers or bridging multiple sites

  • Customized branding - start your meetings with your logo and welcome message onscreen

  • Superior Technical Engineering support including computer presentation support between locations

  • Reporting - we customize your profile to include preferences, billing intervals, approved credit limits, and other special requirements

Welcome to TKO VideoConferencing

TKO staffers are ready to support all your recurring video conference meetings and special events.

Fill in this form, click Submit and a TKO Account Manager will contact you to activate your Recurring Meeting Account.

First Name:*
Last Name:*
Organization Name:*  
Email Address:*

Email or call 1-800-590-5629 for further information on how to get your Corporate Account started today.
